<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <feed xml:lang="zh-CN" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:opensearch="http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/" xmlns:s="http://jadedpixel.com/-/spec/shopify"> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/collections/all.atom</id> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.adasbook.com.au/collections/all"/> <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/collections/scholarship-oc-tests.atom"/> <title>Ada's Book</title> <updated>2024-12-09T12:15:47+11:00</updated> <author> <name>Ada's Book</name> </author> <entry> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/8175588376737</id> <published>2024-12-09T12:15:47+11:00</published> <updated>2024-12-09T12:15:47+11:00</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/facts-and-formulas-year-8-all-levels"/> <title>Facts and Formulas Year 8 (All levels)</title> <s:type>Book</s:type> <s:vendor>Five Senses</s:vendor> <summary type="html"> <![CDATA[<table border="0"> <tr> <td width="200"><img width="200" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0515/7935/5297/files/9781875462162_facts_and_formulas_year_8_1.webp?v=1733706856"></td> <td valign="bottom"> <p> <strong>厂商: </strong>Five Senses<br> <strong>类型: </strong>Book<br> <strong>价格: </strong> 14.50 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><p><strong>Some Features and Benefits</strong></p> <p>This is a unique series in that no one has yet written and published comprehensive and high quality summary guides that cater for students of all abilities from Year 5 through to Year 12 Extension 1 (2 Unit and 3 Unit Course). Each booklet summarises all vital facts, formulas, key words and sets of steps relating to the syllabus of the particular year. By using these booklets students can now test themselves just before an exam, or get their friends or parents to test them.</p> <p>Every major topic in the relevant syllabus has been concisely and comprehensively summarized on only two pages. Revision of essential work from previous years is also summarized in each booklet.</p> <p>Each of the nine (9) titles is written by one author (Warwick Marlin) – which guarantees that the same style, format, continuity and conciseness runs through all the books. These rule booklets will save students many valuable hours in researching and writing out their own summaries.</p> <p>The typesetting, layout, presentation and user friendliness is also a very big feature. The pages are not crammed and overloaded with information, while at the same time the books comprehensively summarise all key facts and formulas in the syllabus.</p> <p>Each booklet is printed in two (2) colours, with each important subtitle highlighted in red so that students can memorise them more easily. There are several blank pages at the end of each booklet for students to write down any additional notes and examples that they feel are necessary.</p> <p>Each booklet concisely summarises, chapter by chapter, the corresponding<span> </span><em>Understanding Maths</em><span> </span>book. They make an excellent and very useful companion book for final, last minute revision and swotting of key facts, formulas and theorems.</p> <p>At the end of each double page topic summary, there is a reference given to the corresponding more in-depth<span> </span><em>Understanding Maths</em><span> </span>book. This means that students who are ‘swotting’ for a test while using this series will be able to quickly cross-reference to the more in-depth book if they have difficulty recognizing a particular formula or rule.</p> <p> </p> <table class="data table additional-attributes" id="product-attribute-specs-table"> <caption class="table-caption">More Information</caption> <tbody> <tr> <th class="col label" scope="row">Year Level</th> <td class="col data" data-th="Year Level">Year 8</td> </tr> <tr> <th class="col label" scope="row">ISBN</th> <td class="col data" data-th="ISBN">9781875462162</td> </tr> <tr> <th class="col label" scope="row">Subject</th> <td class="col data" data-th="Subject">Maths</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></td> </tr> </table> ]]> </summary> <s:tag>Australian Curriculum</s:tag> <s:tag>Formulas</s:tag> <s:tag>Maths</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship Year 5-7</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 8</s:tag> <s:variant> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/8175588376737</id> <title>Default Title</title> <s:price currency="AUD">14.50</s:price> <s:sku>9781875462162</s:sku> <s:grams>500</s:grams> </s:variant> </entry> <entry> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/8175587885217</id> <published>2024-12-09T12:10:45+11:00</published> <updated>2024-12-09T12:10:45+11:00</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/facts-and-formulas-year-7-all-levels"/> <title>Facts and Formulas Year 7 (All levels)</title> <s:type>Book</s:type> <s:vendor>Five Senses</s:vendor> <summary type="html"> <![CDATA[<table border="0"> <tr> <td width="200"><img width="200" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0515/7935/5297/files/9781875462155_facts_and_formulas_year_7_1.webp?v=1733706560"></td> <td valign="bottom"> <p> <strong>厂商: </strong>Five Senses<br> <strong>类型: </strong>Book<br> <strong>价格: </strong> 14.50 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><p><strong>Some Features and Benefits</strong></p> <p>This is a unique series in that no one has yet written and published comprehensive and high quality summary guides that cater for students of all abilities from Year 5 through to Year 12 Extension 1 (2 Unit and 3 Unit Course). Each booklet summarises all vital facts, formulas, key words and sets of steps relating to the syllabus of the particular year. By using these booklets students can now test themselves just before an exam, or get their friends or parents to test them.</p> <p>Every major topic in the relevant syllabus has been concisely and comprehensively summarized on only two pages. Revision of essential work from previous years is also summarized in each booklet.</p> <p>Each of the nine (9) titles is written by one author (Warwick Marlin) – which guarantees that the same style, format, continuity and conciseness runs through all the books. These rule booklets will save students many valuable hours in researching and writing out their own summaries.</p> <p>The typesetting, layout, presentation and user friendliness is also a very big feature. The pages are not crammed and overloaded with information, while at the same time the books comprehensively summarise all key facts and formulas in the syllabus.</p> <p>Each booklet is printed in two (2) colours, with each important subtitle highlighted in red so that students can memorise them more easily. There are several blank pages at the end of each booklet for students to write down any additional notes and examples that they feel are necessary.</p> <p>Each booklet concisely summarises, chapter by chapter, the corresponding<span> </span><em>Understanding Maths</em><span> </span>book. They make an excellent and very useful companion book for final, last minute revision and swotting of key facts, formulas and theorems.</p> <p>At the end of each double page topic summary, there is a reference given to the corresponding more in-depth<span> </span><em>Understanding Maths</em><span> </span>book. This means that students who are ‘swotting’ for a test while using this series will be able to quickly cross-reference to the more in-depth book if they have difficulty recognizing a particular formula or rule.</p> <table class="data table additional-attributes" id="product-attribute-specs-table"> <caption class="table-caption">More Information</caption> <tbody> <tr> <th class="col label" scope="row">Year Level</th> <td class="col data" data-th="Year Level">Year 7</td> </tr> <tr> <th class="col label" scope="row">ISBN</th> <td class="col data" data-th="ISBN">9781875462155</td> </tr> <tr> <th class="col label" scope="row">Subject</th> <td class="col data" data-th="Subject">Maths</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></td> </tr> </table> ]]> </summary> <s:tag>Australian Curriculum</s:tag> <s:tag>Formulas</s:tag> <s:tag>Maths</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship Year 5-7</s:tag> <s:tag>scholaship</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 7</s:tag> <s:variant> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/8175587885217</id> <title>Default Title</title> <s:price currency="AUD">14.50</s:price> <s:sku>9781875462155</s:sku> <s:grams>500</s:grams> </s:variant> </entry> <entry> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/8175486927009</id> <published>2024-12-08T20:59:49+11:00</published> <updated>2024-12-08T20:59:49+11:00</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/mastering-thinking-skills-selective-and-scholarship-tests-book-1-2-for-year-5-and-up"/> <title>Mastering Thinking Skills Selective and Scholarship Tests Book 1 &2 for Year 5 and up</title> <s:type>Book</s:type> <s:vendor>Ada's Book</s:vendor> <summary type="html"> <![CDATA[<table border="0"> <tr> <td width="200"><img width="200" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0515/7935/5297/files/0BC0376F-F6A2-458A-BEED-E6513C24760B.jpg?v=1733651991"></td> <td valign="bottom"> <p> <strong>厂商: </strong>Ada's Book<br> <strong>类型: </strong>Book<br> <strong>价格: </strong> 61.00 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><ul> <li>For Selective and Scholarship Test preparation</li> <li>Contains eight tests of 40 multiple-choice questions each</li> <li>Answers provided with workings/explanations</li> <li>Enhances higher-order and critical thinking skills</li> <li>Improves knowledge and decision-making in problem solving</li> <li>Develops mental, cognitive and strategic abilities</li> </ul></td> </tr> </table> ]]> </summary> <s:tag>Creative and Critical thinking skills</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship Year 5-7</s:tag> <s:tag>Thinking Skills</s:tag> <s:variant> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/8175486927009</id> <title>Default Title</title> <s:price currency="AUD">61.00</s:price> <s:sku></s:sku> <s:grams>2000</s:grams> </s:variant> </entry> <entry> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/8174350958753</id> <published>2024-12-05T19:15:39+11:00</published> <updated>2024-12-05T19:15:39+11:00</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/visual-thinking-puzzles-for-selective-and-scholarship-test-book-4"/> <title>Visual Thinking Puzzles for Selective and Scholarship Test Book 4</title> <s:type>Book</s:type> <s:vendor>Ada's Book</s:vendor> <summary type="html"> <![CDATA[<table border="0"> <tr> <td width="200"><img width="200" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0515/7935/5297/files/B3741350-0C87-411A-BA72-172C6F661302.png?v=1733386542"></td> <td valign="bottom"> <p> <strong>厂商: </strong>Ada's Book<br> <strong>类型: </strong>Book<br> <strong>价格: </strong> 24.00 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><p>Various schools have scholarship entry tests, some of which are standardised and others of which are specially designed by the school. In the range of tests used for scholarship entry there is a wide variety of question types. Visual reasoning puzzles and problems present a range of cognitive challenges. Some of these involve working memory, pattern completion and picture arrangements in 2D and 3D. Exposure to visual problems can improve a child’s confidence and ability with respect to understanding spatial relationships.</p> <p>Visual Thinking Puzzles Book 4 contains 40 questions designed to teach and challenge students in developing their visual thinking skills. Answers with explanations and multiple choice answer sheets are also provided.</p> <p>Michael McKay is an illustrator and author who has been involved in writing and editing various publications including preparation books for the NSW selective school tests. He has also been involved in training programs for critical thinking, specialising in visual thinking questions and problems.</p></td> </tr> </table> ]]> </summary> <s:tag>GA</s:tag> <s:tag>Non verbal reasoning</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship Year 5-7</s:tag> <s:tag>scholaship</s:tag> <s:tag>Visual Thinking Skill</s:tag> <s:variant> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/8174350958753</id> <title>Default Title</title> <s:price currency="AUD">24.00</s:price> <s:sku></s:sku> <s:grams>1000</s:grams> </s:variant> </entry> <entry> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/8174348304545</id> <published>2024-12-05T19:12:26+11:00</published> <updated>2024-12-05T19:12:26+11:00</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/visual-thinking-puzzles-for-selective-and-scholarship-test-book-3-pre-sale"/> <title>Visual Thinking Puzzles for Selective and Scholarship Test Book 3 Pre Sale</title> <s:type>Books</s:type> <s:vendor>Ada's Book</s:vendor> <summary type="html"> <![CDATA[<table border="0"> <tr> <td width="200"><img width="200" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0515/7935/5297/files/528B38E4-EC52-480E-85C0-C308A7D48CA7.png?v=1733386348"></td> <td valign="bottom"> <p> <strong>厂商: </strong>Ada's Book<br> <strong>类型: </strong>Books<br> <strong>价格: </strong> 24.00 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><p>Various schools have scholarship entry tests, some of which are standardised and others of which are specially designed by the school. In the range of tests used for scholarship entry there is a wide variety of question types. Visual reasoning puzzles and problems present a range of cognitive challenges. Some of these involve working memory, pattern completion and picture arrangements in 2D and 3D. Exposure to visual problems can improve a child’s confidence and ability with respect to understanding spatial relationships.</p> <p>Visual Thinking Puzzles Book 3 contains 40 questions designed to teach and challenge students in developing their visual thinking skills. Answers with explanations and multiple choice answer sheets are also provided.</p> <p>Michael McKay is an illustrator and author who has been involved in writing and editing various publications including preparation books for the NSW selective school tests. He has also been involved in training programs for critical thinking, specialising in visual thinking questions and problems.</p></td> </tr> </table> ]]> </summary> <s:tag>GA</s:tag> <s:tag>Non verbal reasoning</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship Year 5-7</s:tag> <s:tag>scholaship</s:tag> <s:tag>Visual Thinking Skill</s:tag> <s:variant> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/8174348304545</id> <title>Default Title</title> <s:price currency="AUD">24.00</s:price> <s:sku></s:sku> <s:grams>1000</s:grams> </s:variant> </entry> <entry> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/8174296072353</id> <published>2024-12-05T18:08:13+11:00</published> <updated>2024-12-05T18:08:13+11:00</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/visual-thinking-puzzles-for-selective-and-scholarship-test-book-3-4"/> <title>Visual Thinking Puzzles for Selective and Scholarship Test Book 3&4 Pre Sale</title> <s:type>Book</s:type> <s:vendor>Ada's Book</s:vendor> <summary type="html"> <![CDATA[<table border="0"> <tr> <td width="200"><img width="200" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0515/7935/5297/files/7EF67481-5D48-4C6E-B390-39EE3A7409EB.jpg?v=1733382495"></td> <td valign="bottom"> <p> <strong>厂商: </strong>Ada's Book<br> <strong>类型: </strong>Book<br> <strong>价格: </strong> 45.00 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><p><head><meta charset="UTF-8" /></head></p> <p>Various schools have scholarship entry tests, some of which are standardised and others of which are specially designed by the school. In the range of tests used for scholarship entry there is a wide variety of question types. Visual reasoning puzzles and problems present a range of cognitive challenges. Some of these involve working memory, pattern completion and picture arrangements in 2D and 3D. Exposure to visual problems can improve a child’s confidence and ability with respect to understanding spatial relationships.</p> <p>Each book contains 40 questions, total 8 questions, designed to teach and challenge students in developing their visual thinking skills. Answers with explanations and multiple choice answer sheets are also provided.</p> <p>Michael McKay is an illustrator and author who has been involved in writing and editing various publications including preparation books for the NSW selective school tests. He has also been involved in training programs for critical thinking, specialising in visual thinking questions and problems.</p></td> </tr> </table> ]]> </summary> <s:tag>GA</s:tag> <s:tag>Non verbal reasoning</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship Year 5-7</s:tag> <s:tag>scholaship</s:tag> <s:tag>Visual Thinking Skill</s:tag> <s:variant> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/8174296072353</id> <title>Default Title</title> <s:price currency="AUD">45.00</s:price> <s:sku></s:sku> <s:grams>2000</s:grams> </s:variant> </entry> <entry> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/8174293876897</id> <published>2024-12-05T18:05:43+11:00</published> <updated>2024-12-05T18:05:43+11:00</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/visual-thinking-puzzles-for-selective-and-scholarship-test-book-1-2"/> <title>Visual Thinking Puzzles for Selective and Scholarship Test Book 1&2</title> <s:type>Book</s:type> <s:vendor>Ada's Book</s:vendor> <summary type="html"> <![CDATA[<table border="0"> <tr> <td width="200"><img width="200" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0515/7935/5297/files/F1633C9E-049B-4447-A10E-9EA6FDD05FA0.jpg?v=1733382346"></td> <td valign="bottom"> <p> <strong>厂商: </strong>Ada's Book<br> <strong>类型: </strong>Book<br> <strong>价格: </strong> 45.00 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><p>Various schools have scholarship entry tests, some of which are standardised and others of which are specially designed by the school. In the range of tests used for scholarship entry there is a wide variety of question types. Visual reasoning puzzles and problems present a range of cognitive challenges. Some of these involve working memory, pattern completion and picture arrangements in 2D and 3D. Exposure to visual problems can improve a child’s confidence and ability with respect to understanding spatial relationships.</p> <p>Each book contains 40 questions, total 8 questions, designed to teach and challenge students in developing their visual thinking skills. Answers with explanations and multiple choice answer sheets are also provided.</p> <p>Michael McKay is an illustrator and author who has been involved in writing and editing various publications including preparation books for the NSW selective school tests. He has also been involved in training programs for critical thinking, specialising in visual thinking questions and problems.</p></td> </tr> </table> ]]> </summary> <s:tag>GA</s:tag> <s:tag>Non verbal reasoning</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship Year 5-7</s:tag> <s:tag>scholaship</s:tag> <s:tag>Visual Thinking Skill</s:tag> <s:variant> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/8174293876897</id> <title>Default Title</title> <s:price currency="AUD">45.00</s:price> <s:sku></s:sku> <s:grams>2000</s:grams> </s:variant> </entry> <entry> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/8174284112033</id> <published>2024-12-05T17:53:17+11:00</published> <updated>2024-12-05T17:53:17+11:00</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/visual-thinking-puzzles-for-selective-and-scholarship-test-book-2"/> <title>Visual Thinking Puzzles for Selective and Scholarship Test Book 2</title> <s:type></s:type> <s:vendor>Ada's Book</s:vendor> <summary type="html"> <![CDATA[<table border="0"> <tr> <td width="200"><img width="200" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0515/7935/5297/files/AA8B4F33-05B4-47A1-86C2-868D7E7D1A74.jpg?v=1733381600"></td> <td valign="bottom"> <p> <strong>厂商: </strong>Ada's Book<br> <strong>类型: </strong><br> <strong>价格: </strong> 24.00 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><p><head><meta charset="UTF-8" /></head></p> <p>Various schools have scholarship entry tests, some of which are standardised and others of which are specially designed by the school. In the range of tests used for scholarship entry there is a wide variety of question types. Visual reasoning puzzles and problems present a range of cognitive challenges. Some of these involve working memory, pattern completion and picture arrangements in 2D and 3D. Exposure to visual problems can improve a child’s confidence and ability with respect to understanding spatial relationships.</p> <p><em>Visual Thinking Puzzles Book 2</em> contains 40 questions designed to teach and challenge students in developing their visual thinking skills. Answers with explanations and multiple choice answer sheets are also provided.</p> <p><strong>Michael McKay</strong> is an illustrator and author who has been involved in writing and editing various publications including preparation books for the NSW selective school tests. He has also been involved in training programs for critical thinking, specialising in visual thinking questions and problems.</p></td> </tr> </table> ]]> </summary> <s:tag>GA</s:tag> <s:tag>Non verbal reasoning</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship Year 5-7</s:tag> <s:tag>scholaship</s:tag> <s:tag>Visual Thinking Skill</s:tag> <s:variant> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/8174284112033</id> <title>Default Title</title> <s:price currency="AUD">24.00</s:price> <s:sku></s:sku> <s:grams>1000</s:grams> </s:variant> </entry> <entry> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/8162005483681</id> <published>2024-11-13T20:06:37+11:00</published> <updated>2024-11-13T20:06:37+11:00</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/mathematical-reasoning-book-2"/> <title>Mathematical Reasoning Book 2</title> <s:type>Books</s:type> <s:vendor>Five Senses</s:vendor> <summary type="html"> <![CDATA[<table border="0"> <tr> <td width="200"><img width="200" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0515/7935/5297/files/9781760324087-mathematical-reasoning-b2_jpg.webp?v=1731488831"></td> <td valign="bottom"> <p> <strong>厂商: </strong>Five Senses<br> <strong>类型: </strong>Books<br> <strong>价格: </strong> 22.50 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><p>For selective school tests, opportunity class tests and problem solving</p> <p><em>Mathematical Reasoning Book 2</em> builds on and extend essential mathematical reasoning skills for critical thinking students. There is a huge range of novel stimulus, 2D and 3D shapes, graphical interpretation, numerical reasoning, deductive and inductive reasoning, number relationships and pattern recognition. The questions will assess the students? capacity to evaluate, understand cause and effect relationships and also apply inductive reasoning through generalisation.</p> <p>Each book includes fully worked solutions to all questions.</p> <hr> <h2>About the Author</h2> <p><strong>Mohan Dhall</strong> is an experienced teacher and teacher-educator, author and educational manager. Trained in gifted education, Mohan has developed many critical thinking courses for students and has also trained teachers in critical and creative thinking skills. As Director, he ran one of Australia’s longest running school based centres for gifted children. He has written hundreds of different types of critical thinking questions and had more than 70 books published. Mohan is currently the Academic Leader of M2K Education and Advisory.</p> <p> </p> <table class="data table additional-attributes" id="product-attribute-specs-table"> <caption class="table-caption">More Information</caption> <tbody> <tr> <th class="col label" scope="row">Year Level</th> <td class="col data" data-th="Year Level">Year 4, Year 5, Year 6</td> </tr> <tr> <th class="col label" scope="row">Edition</th> <td class="col data" data-th="Edition">1st</td> </tr> <tr> <th class="col label" scope="row">Date of Publication</th> <td class="col data" data-th="Date of Publication">August 2021</td> </tr> <tr> <th class="col label" scope="row">ISBN</th> <td class="col data" data-th="ISBN">9781760324087</td> </tr> <tr> <th class="col label" scope="row">Subject</th> <td class="col data" data-th="Subject">Maths</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></td> </tr> </table> ]]> </summary> <s:tag>GA</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship Year 5-7</s:tag> <s:tag>Thinking Skills</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 4</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 5</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 6</s:tag> <s:variant> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/8162005483681</id> <title>Default Title</title> <s:price currency="AUD">22.50</s:price> <s:sku>9781760324087</s:sku> <s:grams>1000</s:grams> </s:variant> </entry> <entry> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/8162001518753</id> <published>2024-11-13T20:00:21+11:00</published> <updated>2024-11-13T20:00:21+11:00</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/mathematical-reasoning-book-1"/> <title>Mathematical Reasoning Book 1</title> <s:type>Books</s:type> <s:vendor>Five Senses</s:vendor> <summary type="html"> <![CDATA[<table border="0"> <tr> <td width="200"><img width="200" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0515/7935/5297/files/9781760323806-mathematical-reasoning-b1_jpg.webp?v=1731488485"></td> <td valign="bottom"> <p> <strong>厂商: </strong>Five Senses<br> <strong>类型: </strong>Books<br> <strong>价格: </strong> 22.50 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><p>For selective school tests, opportunity class tests and problem solving</p> <p>Questions and fully worked solutions for the new Selective Test with strategies that utilise a range of thinking skills: analysis, comparison, calculation, patterns, numerical relationships, symbolic representations, ordering, abstraction, grouping, estimation and more.</p> <p>Practice on the problems in this book will help students to develop a range of mathematical reasoning skills. Prior to practicing, students should read through the section at the start which provides strategies. Using these strategies will be helpful to developing the skills required to think through complex problems.</p> <hr> <h2>About the Author</h2> <p><strong>Mohan Dhall</strong> is an experienced teacher and teacher-educator, author and educational manager. Trained in gifted education, Mohan has developed many critical thinking courses for students and has also trained teachers in critical and creative thinking skills. As Director, he ran one of Australia’s longest running school based centres for gifted children. He has written hundreds of different types of critical thinking questions and had more than 70 books published. Mohan is currently the Academic Leader of M2K Education and Advisory.</p> <p> </p> <table class="data table additional-attributes" id="product-attribute-specs-table"> <caption class="table-caption">More Information</caption> <tbody> <tr> <th class="col label" scope="row">Year Level</th> <td class="col data" data-th="Year Level">Year 4, Year 5, Year 6</td> </tr> <tr> <th class="col label" scope="row">Edition</th> <td class="col data" data-th="Edition">1st</td> </tr> <tr> <th class="col label" scope="row">Date of Publication</th> <td class="col data" data-th="Date of Publication">April 2021</td> </tr> <tr> <th class="col label" scope="row">ISBN</th> <td class="col data" data-th="ISBN">9781760323806</td> </tr> <tr> <th class="col label" scope="row">Subject</th> <td class="col data" data-th="Subject">Maths</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></td> </tr> </table> ]]> </summary> <s:tag>GA</s:tag> <s:tag>Maths</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship Year 5-7</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship Year3-5</s:tag> <s:tag>Thinking Skills</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 4</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 5</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 6</s:tag> <s:variant> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/8162001518753</id> <title>Default Title</title> <s:price currency="AUD">22.50</s:price> <s:sku>9781760323806</s:sku> <s:grams>1000</s:grams> </s:variant> </entry> <entry> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/8132211310753</id> <published>2024-09-12T20:49:29+10:00</published> <updated>2024-09-12T20:49:29+10:00</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/scholarship-poetry-pack-year-5-83-books"/> <title>Scholarship Poetry Pack (Year 5-8)(3 Books) Pre Sale</title> <s:type></s:type> <s:vendor>Ada's Book</s:vendor> <summary type="html"> <![CDATA[<table border="0"> <tr> <td width="200"><img width="200" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0515/7935/5297/files/IMG-6872.heic?v=1726138171"></td> <td valign="bottom"> <p> <strong>厂商: </strong>Ada's Book<br> <strong>类型: </strong><br> <strong>价格: </strong> 50.00 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><p>Book 1:</p> <h4 class="page-title"> <strong><span class="base" data-ui-id="page-title-wrapper" itemprop="name">Multiple Choice Understanding Australian Poetry</span></strong><em></em> </h4> <p><span class="base" data-ui-id="page-title-wrapper" itemprop="name">Book 2:</span></p> <h4 class="page-title"><span class="base" data-ui-id="page-title-wrapper" itemprop="name">Poetry Workbook for Years 7 & 8</span></h4> <p><span class="base" data-ui-id="page-title-wrapper" itemprop="name">Book 3:</span></p> <h4 class="page-title"><span class="base" data-ui-id="page-title-wrapper" itemprop="name">Multiple Choice Understanding Poetry Book </span></h4> <p> </p></td> </tr> </table> ]]> </summary> <s:tag>Australian Curriculum</s:tag> <s:tag>Poetry</s:tag> <s:tag>Reading</s:tag> <s:tag>Reading comprehension</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship Year 5-7</s:tag> <s:variant> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/8132211310753</id> <title>Default Title</title> <s:price currency="AUD">50.00</s:price> <s:sku></s:sku> <s:grams>2000</s:grams> </s:variant> </entry> <entry> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/8132199776417</id> <published>2024-09-12T20:24:45+10:00</published> <updated>2024-09-12T20:24:45+10:00</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/scholarship-advanced-reading-comprehension-language-tests-packyear-5-104books"/> <title>Scholarship Advanced Reading Comprehension & Language Tests Pack(Year 5-10)(4Books)</title> <s:type></s:type> <s:vendor>Ada's Book</s:vendor> <summary type="html"> <![CDATA[<table border="0"> <tr> <td width="200"><img width="200" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0515/7935/5297/files/D5357D74-247D-4AC3-BA7A-3CD0E106E299.jpg?v=1726136688"></td> <td valign="bottom"> <p> <strong>厂商: </strong>Ada's Book<br> <strong>类型: </strong><br> <strong>价格: </strong> 60.00 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> </table> ]]> </summary> <s:tag>Australian Curriculum</s:tag> <s:tag>Reading</s:tag> <s:tag>Reading comprehension</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship Year 5-7</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 5</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 5-8</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 6</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 7</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 8</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 8-10</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 9</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 9&10</s:tag> <s:variant> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/8132199776417</id> <title>Default Title</title> <s:price currency="AUD">60.00</s:price> <s:sku></s:sku> <s:grams>2000</s:grams> </s:variant> </entry> <entry> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/8095081627809</id> <published>2024-07-15T11:38:33+10:00</published> <updated>2024-07-15T11:38:33+10:00</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/visual-thinking-puzzles-for-selective-and-scholarship-test-book-1"/> <title>Visual Thinking Puzzles for Selective and Scholarship Test Book 1</title> <s:type>Book</s:type> <s:vendor>five senses</s:vendor> <summary type="html"> <![CDATA[<table border="0"> <tr> <td width="200"><img width="200" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0515/7935/5297/files/61442E0E-7210-4C9A-A4E4-5A9CE7D06A72.png?v=1733381656"></td> <td valign="bottom"> <p> <strong>厂商: </strong>five senses<br> <strong>类型: </strong>Book<br> <strong>价格: </strong> 24.00 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><p>Various schools have scholarship entry tests, some of which are standardised and others of which are specially designed by the school. In the range of tests used for scholarship entry there is a wide variety of question types. Visual reasoning puzzles and problems present a range of cognitive challenges. Some of these involve working memory, pattern completion and picture arrangements in 2D and 3D. Exposure to visual problems can improve a child’s confidence and ability with respect to understanding spatial relationships.</p> <p><em>Visual Thinking Puzzles Book 1</em><span> </span>contains 40 questions designed to teach and challenge students in developing their visual thinking skills. Answers with explanations and multiple choice answer sheets are also provided.</p> <p><strong>Michael McKay</strong><span> </span>is an illustrator and author who has been involved in writing and editing various publications including preparation books for the NSW selective school tests. He has also been involved in training programs for critical thinking, specialising in visual thinking questions and problems.</p> <p> </p> <table id="product-attribute-specs-table" class="data table additional-attributes"> <caption class="table-caption">More Information</caption> <tbody> <tr> <th scope="row" class="col label">Year Level</th> <td data-th="Year Level" class="col data">Year 5, Year 6</td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row" class="col label">Edition</th> <td data-th="Edition" class="col data">1st</td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row" class="col label">Date of Publication</th> <td data-th="Date of Publication" class="col data">July 2022</td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row" class="col label">ISBN</th> <td data-th="ISBN" class="col data">9781760324193</td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row" class="col label">Subject</th> <td data-th="Subject" class="col data">General Ability (IQ)</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <!----></td> </tr> </table> ]]> </summary> <s:tag>GA</s:tag> <s:tag>Mathematical Reasoning</s:tag> <s:tag>Non verbal reasoning</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship Year 5-7</s:tag> <s:tag>Visual Thinking Skill</s:tag> <s:variant> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/8095081627809</id> <title>Default Title</title> <s:price currency="AUD">24.00</s:price> <s:sku>9781760324193</s:sku> <s:grams>1000</s:grams> </s:variant> </entry> <entry> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/7812659347617</id> <published>2023-11-20T20:39:55+11:00</published> <updated>2023-11-20T20:39:55+11:00</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/australia-1946-onwards-australian-homeschooling-series-item-no-571"/> <title>Australia 1946 Onwards (Australian Homeschooling Series) (Item no. 571)</title> <s:type>Book</s:type> <s:vendor>Five Senses</s:vendor> <summary type="html"> <![CDATA[<table border="0"> <tr> <td width="200"><img width="200" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0515/7935/5297/files/cor571-australia-1946-onwards-9781922034861-web_jpg.webp?v=1700473440"></td> <td valign="bottom"> <p> <strong>厂商: </strong>Five Senses<br> <strong>类型: </strong>Book<br> <strong>价格: </strong> 23.36 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><meta charset="UTF-8"> <p><em>Australia 1946 Onwards</em> is ninth in the social studies series, intended to follow <em>Successing in Social Studies and Australian History 1901-1945. Questions range from comprehension to more in-depth questions that require students to think, research and draw conclusions as expected of high school level. Answers for all comprehension questions are included and a few suggestions are provided to help parents in marking essays.</em></p> <ul> <li>The Cold War</li> <li>The Rise of Southeast Asia</li> <li>Australia and Israel</li> <li>Wars 1949-1971</li> <li>The Rise of Trade Unions</li> <li>Robert Menzies</li> <li>Gough Whitlam</li> <li>Immigration in Australia</li> <li>Assyria</li> <li>Babylonia</li> <li>Persia</li> <li>Summarising What You Have Learnt</li> <li>Answers</li> </ul> <p>156 pages</p></td> </tr> </table> ]]> </summary> <s:tag>Australian Curriculum</s:tag> <s:tag>History</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship Year 5-7</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 10</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 11</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 7</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 8</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 8-10</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 9</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 9&10</s:tag> <s:variant> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/7812659347617</id> <title>Default Title</title> <s:price currency="AUD">23.36</s:price> <s:sku>9781922034861</s:sku> <s:grams>1000</s:grams> </s:variant> </entry> <entry> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/7807375442081</id> <published>2023-11-14T21:56:33+11:00</published> <updated>2023-11-14T21:56:33+11:00</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/multiple-choice-understanding-poetry-book-1-seline-ho-scholarship-selective-school-icas"/> <title>Multiple Choice Understanding Poetry Book 1 (Seline Ho)-Scholarship/Selective school/ICAS Pre Sale</title> <s:type>Book</s:type> <s:vendor>Selective press</s:vendor> <summary type="html"> <![CDATA[<table border="0"> <tr> <td width="200"><img width="200" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0515/7935/5297/files/IMG-1110.webp?v=1699962146"></td> <td valign="bottom"> <p> <strong>厂商: </strong>Selective press<br> <strong>类型: </strong>Book<br> <strong>价格: </strong> 15.00 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><ul data-mce-fragment="1"> <li data-mce-fragment="1">For selective schools entry exams & private schools scholarship exams</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Suitable for Years 7-8 NAPLAN and ICAS Assessments</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Includs modern Australian poets and Australian themed poems</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Complete explanation and answer keys</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Vocabulary references</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1"><span data-mce-fragment="1">Author: Seline Ho</span></li> <li data-mce-fragment="1"><span data-mce-fragment="1"> Publisher: Selective Press</span></li> <li data-mce-fragment="1"> <table class="data table additional-attributes" id="product-attribute-specs-table" data-mce-fragment="1"> <caption class="table-caption" data-mce-fragment="1">More Information</caption> <tbody data-mce-fragment="1"> <tr data-mce-fragment="1"> <th class="col label" scope="row" data-mce-fragment="1">Year Level</th> <td class="col data" data-th="Year Level" data-mce-fragment="1">Year 5, Year 6</td> </tr> <tr data-mce-fragment="1"> <th class="col label" scope="row" data-mce-fragment="1">Date of Publication</th> <td class="col data" data-th="Date of Publication" data-mce-fragment="1">2013</td> </tr> <tr data-mce-fragment="1"> <th class="col label" scope="row" data-mce-fragment="1">ISBN</th> <td class="col data" data-th="ISBN" data-mce-fragment="1">9780987501226</td> </tr> <tr data-mce-fragment="1"> <th class="col label" scope="row" data-mce-fragment="1">Subject</th> <td class="col data" data-th="Subject" data-mce-fragment="1">English</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </li> </ul></td> </tr> </table> ]]> </summary> <s:tag>Australian Curriculum</s:tag> <s:tag>ICAS</s:tag> <s:tag>Naplan</s:tag> <s:tag>Poetry</s:tag> <s:tag>Reading</s:tag> <s:tag>Reading comprehension</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship Year 5-7</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 5</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 6</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 7</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 8</s:tag> <s:variant> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/7807375442081</id> <title>Default Title</title> <s:price currency="AUD">15.00</s:price> <s:sku>9780987501226</s:sku> <s:grams>1000</s:grams> </s:variant> </entry> <entry> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/7807367610529</id> <published>2023-11-14T21:46:43+11:00</published> <updated>2023-11-14T21:46:43+11:00</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/multiple-choice-understanding-australian-poetry"/> <title>Multiple Choice Understanding Australian Poetry-Scholarship/Selective school/ICAS</title> <s:type>Book</s:type> <s:vendor>Selective press</s:vendor> <summary type="html"> <![CDATA[<table border="0"> <tr> <td width="200"><img width="200" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0515/7935/5297/files/IMG-1111.jpg?v=1699962118"></td> <td valign="bottom"> <p> <strong>厂商: </strong>Selective press<br> <strong>类型: </strong>Book<br> <strong>价格: </strong> 22.50 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><meta charset="UTF-8"> <p data-mce-fragment="1"><em data-mce-fragment="1">Multiple Choice: Understanding Australian Poetry</em> is aimed at honing the poetry understanding skills of students at primary advanced or lower secondary level, with a distinct focus on Australian poetry, both classic and modern. This book was created with high-achieving upper primary students in mind, especially those undertaking NSW Selective High School exams or private school scholarship examinations.</p> <p data-mce-fragment="1">This book presents students with curated poems to analyse and ponder over. The poems have been selected from the repertoires of a wide range of Australian poets, from the time of pioneer Australia to those who consider modern-day Australia their home and inspiration.</p> <p data-mce-fragment="1">Each poem is accompanied by a series of 10-14 questions, prompting students to think critically and look for within the text. Each question comes with a solution and a most appropriate answer. Each solution is only one interpretation of the poem so different interpretations are not only valid but should be encouraged amongst students.</p> <p data-mce-fragment="1">Designed for NSW Selective High School exams and private school scholarship examinations. Also suitable for Years 7-9 NAPLAN and ICAS Assessments</p> <hr data-mce-fragment="1"> <h2 data-mce-fragment="1">Contents</h2> <ul data-mce-fragment="1"> <li data-mce-fragment="1">In Time of Drought — Mary Hannay Foott</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Where the Pelican Builds — Mary Hannay Foott</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">The Shearer's Wife — Louis Esson</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">In the Forest — Thomas W. Shapcott</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">A Bush Christening — A. B. (Banjo) Patterson</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">The Last of His Tribe — Henry Kendall</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">The Currawongs — Martin Langford</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">The Dressmaker — Kevin Hart</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">The Brown Study — Andrew Taylor</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">The River City — Yvette Holt</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">The Digger's Song — Barcroft Henry Boake</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Shearing at Castlereagh — A. B. (Banjo) Patterson</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">The Song of Cicadas — Roderic Quinn</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">On South Head — Robert Gray</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Rainwater Tank — Les Murray</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Suggested Answers</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1"><span data-mce-fragment="1"></span></li> <li data-mce-fragment="1"><span data-mce-fragment="1">Author: Seline Ho & Jessica Yuan</span></li> <li data-mce-fragment="1"> <span data-mce-fragment="1">Publisher: Selective Press</span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">More Information</span> </li> <li data-mce-fragment="1"> <table class="data table additional-attributes" id="product-attribute-specs-table" data-mce-fragment="1"> <tbody data-mce-fragment="1"> <tr data-mce-fragment="1"> <th class="col label" scope="row" data-mce-fragment="1">Year Level</th> <td class="col data" data-th="Year Level" data-mce-fragment="1">Year 6, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9</td> </tr> <tr data-mce-fragment="1"> <th class="col label" scope="row" data-mce-fragment="1">Edition</th> <td class="col data" data-th="Edition" data-mce-fragment="1">1st</td> </tr> <tr data-mce-fragment="1"> <th class="col label" scope="row" data-mce-fragment="1">Date of Publication</th> <td class="col data" data-th="Date of Publication" data-mce-fragment="1">2020</td> </tr> <tr data-mce-fragment="1"> <th class="col label" scope="row" data-mce-fragment="1">ISBN</th> <td class="col data" data-th="ISBN" data-mce-fragment="1">9780987501233</td> </tr> <tr data-mce-fragment="1"> <th class="col label" scope="row" data-mce-fragment="1">Subject</th> <td class="col data" data-th="Subject" data-mce-fragment="1">English</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </li> </ul></td> </tr> </table> ]]> </summary> <s:tag>Australian Curriculum</s:tag> <s:tag>ICAS</s:tag> <s:tag>Naplan</s:tag> <s:tag>Poetry</s:tag> <s:tag>Reading</s:tag> <s:tag>Reading comprehension</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship Year 5-7</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 5</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 6</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 7</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 8</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 8-10</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 9</s:tag> <s:variant> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/7807367610529</id> <title>Default Title</title> <s:price currency="AUD">22.50</s:price> <s:sku>9780987501233</s:sku> <s:grams>1000</s:grams> </s:variant> </entry> <entry> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/7794498666657</id> <published>2023-10-31T20:40:24+11:00</published> <updated>2023-10-31T20:40:24+11:00</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/english-writing-with-creative-and-critical-thinkingscholarship-year-5-6-7-8"/> <title>English Writing with Creative and Critical Thinking(Scholarship Year 5,6,7,8)</title> <s:type>Books</s:type> <s:vendor>Five Senses</s:vendor> <summary type="html"> <![CDATA[<table border="0"> <tr> <td width="200"><img width="200" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0515/7935/5297/files/IMG-0691.webp?v=1698745229"></td> <td valign="bottom"> <p> <strong>厂商: </strong>Five Senses<br> <strong>类型: </strong>Books<br> <strong>价格: </strong> 22.50 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><meta charset="UTF-8"> <p id="E42ISUC"><em><strong>English Writing with Creative and Critical Thinking</strong></em> will help students trying for Selective Schools and Scholarships. It will also assist students in Upper Primary and Junior High School where students need to be able to write short stories, other texts, and thoughtful opinions. The book provides help in three main areas of English:</p> <p><strong>What to write <br></strong>The book helps students think of interesting ideas for (1) creative writing such as stories and (2) critical thinking topics.</p> <p>Students will become more confident with creating plots and thinking of ideas.</p> <p><strong>How to write <br></strong>The book helps students use interesting writing techniques such as similes and metaphors, personification, show not tell, repetition, rhetorical questions and more.</p> <p>Students also practise writing different text types such as a news report, a letter to the Principal, an interview, a review and a class newsletter.</p> <p>In practising text types, students will become familiar with an appropriate format, suitable language and an acceptable tone.</p> <p>This book provides models for different text types.</p> <p><strong>Vocabulary <br></strong>The book introduces students to a wide range of alternatives for everyday words. These words include common vocabulary such as <em>happy</em>, <em>sad</em>, <em>good</em> and <em>bad</em> etc. Using synonyms for these common words will help students’ writing to stand out. Using synonyms is easier and more useful than memorising lists of words that may not be relevant.</p> <hr> <h2>Contents</h2> <p><strong>Creativity</strong></p> <ul> <li>Getting Started with Creativity: Common Plots</li> <li>Your Street Your Library Your Park</li> <li>Imagination 1</li> <li>Imagination 2 Outings and Excursion</li> <li>Imagination 3 Asking Why</li> </ul> <p><strong>Creative Techniques for your Writing</strong></p> <ul> <li>Show not tell</li> <li>Personification</li> <li>Repetition</li> <li>Similes</li> <li>Metaphors</li> <li>Onomatopoeia</li> <li>Rhetorical questions</li> <li>Starting your sentence with a present participle</li> <li>Using your creative writing techniques</li> <li>Writing the climax for your narrative</li> <li>Interesting vocabulary: Synonyms</li> <li>Double words</li> </ul> <p><strong>Creativity: Bringing It All together</strong></p> <ul> <li>Topics and Model Answers</li> </ul> <p><strong>Critical Thinking for Persuasive and Discussion Texts</strong></p> <ul> <li>Your Street Your Library Your Park</li> <li>More Critical Thinking and Problem Solving</li> <li>What to do if your mind goes blank</li> <li>Family Discussion Topics and Excursion Notes</li> </ul> <p><strong>More Creative and Critical Projects</strong></p> <ul> <li>A News Report</li> <li>A Letter to the Principal</li> <li>An Interview</li> <li>Review of a Picnic /BBQ area</li> <li>A Class Newsletter</li> <li>A Procedural Recount</li> </ul> <p><strong>Answers</strong></p> <table class="data table additional-attributes" id="product-attribute-specs-table"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="col data" data-th="Year Level">Year Level:Year 5, Year 6, Year 7, Year 8</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="col data" data-th="Edition">Edition:1st</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="col data" data-th="Date of Publication">Date of publication:June 2023</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="col data" data-th="ISBN">ISBN:9781760325947z</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="col data" data-th="Subject">Subject:English</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></td> </tr> </table> ]]> </summary> <s:tag>English Australian Curriculum</s:tag> <s:tag>Narrative writing</s:tag> <s:tag>Persuasive Writing</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship Year 5-7</s:tag> <s:tag>writing</s:tag> <s:variant> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/7794498666657</id> <title>Default Title</title> <s:price currency="AUD">22.50</s:price> <s:sku></s:sku> <s:grams>800</s:grams> </s:variant> </entry> <entry> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/7778802860193</id> <published>2023-10-12T14:51:45+11:00</published> <updated>2023-10-12T14:51:45+11:00</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/7-book"/> <title>Excel Selective Schools and Scholarship Book Pack(7 Books)</title> <s:type>Book</s:type> <s:vendor>Pascal</s:vendor> <summary type="html"> <![CDATA[<table border="0"> <tr> <td width="200"><img width="200" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0515/7935/5297/files/IMG-9951.heic?v=1697082712"></td> <td valign="bottom"> <p> <strong>厂商: </strong>Pascal<br> <strong>类型: </strong>Book<br> <strong>价格: </strong> 120.50 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><br data-mce-fragment="1" class="productView-title" itemprop="name"> <p> Including 7 Books:<br></p> <p>Excel Selective Schools and Scholarship Tests Years 5-6</p> <p>Excel Revise in a Month Selective Schools and Scholarship Tests Years 5-6</p> <p>Excel Test Skills - Selective Schools & Scholarship Tests Skills & Strategies Years 5 - 6</p> <p>Excel Selective Schools and Scholarship Reading Tests Years 5-6</p> <p>Excel Selective Schools and Scholarship Mathematical Reasoning Tests Years 5-6</p> <p>Excel Selective Schools Thinking Skills Tests Years 5-6</p> <p>Excel Selective Schools and Scholarship Writing Tests Years 5-6</p></td> </tr> </table> ]]> </summary> <s:tag>Excel</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship Year 5-7</s:tag> <s:variant> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/7778802860193</id> <title>Default Title</title> <s:price currency="AUD">120.50</s:price> <s:sku></s:sku> <s:grams>4000</s:grams> </s:variant> </entry> <entry> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/7778793554081</id> <published>2023-10-12T14:42:40+11:00</published> <updated>2023-10-12T14:42:40+11:00</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/excel-selective-schools-and-scholarship-book-pack4-books"/> <title>Excel Selective Schools and Scholarship Book Pack Year 5-7(4 Books)</title> <s:type>Book</s:type> <s:vendor>Pascal</s:vendor> <summary type="html"> <![CDATA[<table border="0"> <tr> <td width="200"><img width="200" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0515/7935/5297/files/IMG-9954.jpg?v=1697082565"></td> <td valign="bottom"> <p> <strong>厂商: </strong>Pascal<br> <strong>类型: </strong>Book<br> <strong>价格: </strong> 73.35 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><div class="cs-accordion-block" data-mce-fragment="1"> <div class="cs-accordion-body active" data-mce-fragment="1"> <div class="acc-readmore" data-mce-fragment="1"> <p data-mce-fragment="1"><strong data-mce-fragment="1">Excel Selective Schools and Scholarship Book Pack</strong></p> <p data-mce-fragment="1">Our Excel Selective Schools and Scholarship Book Pack gives the best test preparation for your child they need to get the results they want! Save up to 20% for four Excel resources, that have been specifically written for students preparing for the Selective Schools and Scholarship Tests.</p> <p data-mce-fragment="1">This pack contains the following titles to help your child succeed:</p> <p data-mce-fragment="1"><strong data-mce-fragment="1">Excel Selective Schools and Scholarship Tests Years 5-6</strong></p> <p data-mce-fragment="1">Years 5–6 Selective Schools and Scholarship Tests book will help your child prepare for the Year 6 NSW Selective High School Placement Test and the ACER Scholarship Tests. This book includes Sixteen sample tests, Four sample tests each for Reading, Mathematical Reasoning, Thinking Skills and Writing.</p> <p data-mce-fragment="1"><strong data-mce-fragment="1">Excel Revise in a Month Selective Schools and Scholarship Tests Years 5-6</strong></p> <p data-mce-fragment="1">Excel Revise in a Month guides take the hard work out of studying. Maximise your child’s results in the shortest time possible, helping your child get the results they want. Your child will cover the essential areas of the Reading, Thinking Skills, Mathematical Reasoning and Writing Tests. Includes a balanced four-day-a-week revision program, a variety of exercises, real test practice and sample Selective Schools Test papers.</p> <p data-mce-fragment="1"><strong data-mce-fragment="1">Excel Opportunity Class Reading Tests Years 3-4</strong></p> <p data-mce-fragment="1">Excel Selective Schools and Scholarship Reading Tests Years 5-6 is a comprehensive study guide for English Comprehension part of the Selective Schools and Scholarship Tests (usually undertaken in Year 6). This title includes hundreds of practice questions on reading and comprehension written by the experienced author Alan Horsfield. In this book your child will find forty-eight mini reading tests, two Sample Reading Tests and hundreds of practice questions on reading and comprehension.</p> <p data-mce-fragment="1"><strong data-mce-fragment="1">Excel Selective Schools and Scholarship Mathematical Reasoning Tests Years 5–6</strong></p> <p data-mce-fragment="1">Excel Selective Schools and Scholarship Mathematical Reasoning Tests Years 5–6 is a comprehensive study guide for the selective school and scholarship tests (usually undertaken in Year 6). This title includes over 500 Mathematical Reasoning questions written by the experienced authors Allyn Jones and Alan Horsfield. In this book your child will find helpful hints on tackling selective schools and scholarship tests, fifteen Mathematical Reasoning sample tests and over 500 Mathematical Reasoning questions.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cs-accordion-block" data-mce-fragment="1"> <div class="cs-accordion-header" data-mce-fragment="1"> <h4 data-mce-fragment="1">Product Details</h4> </div> </div></td> </tr> </table> ]]> </summary> <s:tag>Australian Curriculum</s:tag> <s:tag>Excel</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship Year 5-7</s:tag> <s:variant> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/7778793554081</id> <title>Default Title</title> <s:price currency="AUD">73.35</s:price> <s:sku></s:sku> <s:grams>3000</s:grams> </s:variant> </entry> <entry> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/7743686934689</id> <published>2023-08-10T21:17:09+10:00</published> <updated>2023-08-10T21:17:09+10:00</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/bond-11-verbal-non-verbal-reasoning-handbooks-bundle"/> <title>Bond 11+ Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning Handbooks Bundle(2 books)</title> <s:type>Book</s:type> <s:vendor>Five Senses</s:vendor> <summary type="html"> <![CDATA[<table border="0"> <tr> <td width="200"><img width="200" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0515/7935/5297/files/WechatIMG1108.jpg?v=1691666231"></td> <td valign="bottom"> <p> <strong>厂商: </strong>Five Senses<br> <strong>类型: </strong>Book<br> <strong>价格: </strong> 36.00 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><meta charset="UTF-8"> <h2 data-mce-fragment="1">Components</h2> <ul data-mce-fragment="1"> <li data-mce-fragment="1">1 x 9780192776204 Bond 11+: Verbal Reasoning Handbook</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">1 x 9780192776181 Bond 11+: Non-verbal Reasoning Handbook</li> </ul> <hr data-mce-fragment="1"> <p data-mce-fragment="1">These are Bond's ultimate guides to passing the verbal reasoning and non-verbal reasoning 11+ exams. Now in two-colour, with examples in feature panels, helpful hint boxes and simple explanations and tips for tackling topics and question types, they can be used alongside the free practice area on the Bond Online website to support and consolidate students' exam skills.</p> <ul data-mce-fragment="1"> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Perfect for GL and CEM exam boards</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Comprehensive explanations and worked examples of all 11+ verbal/non-verbal reasoning question types</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Each handbook is arranged into four sections, covering: <ul data-mce-fragment="1"> <li data-mce-fragment="1"> <strong data-mce-fragment="1">Verbal reasoning: </strong>sorting words, selecting words, anagrams, coded sequences and logic</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1"> <strong data-mce-fragment="1">Non-verbal reasoning: </strong>identifying shapes, missing shapes, rotating shapes, spatial awareness, coded shapes and logic</li> </ul> </li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Now in two-colour with feature panels and tips and advice in a handy format</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Step-by-step approach demystifies even the toughest questions</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Motivating chart encourages practice and tracks improvement</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Access to the free area on the Bond online website for targeted question practice</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">For ages 8 to 11</li> </ul> <hr data-mce-fragment="1"> <p data-mce-fragment="1">The Bond 11+ series is an Oxford University UK publication and is increasingly popular in Australia for those looking for different types of general ability and reasoning questions. It offers essential practice and support for children aged 5 through to 13 on the topics of English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning and Non-verbal Reasoning. This series is aimed at UK students taking selective/entrance tests such as the 11+, Common Entrance exams or Key Stage 2 SATs, GL Assessment and CEM 11+ exams.</p></td> </tr> </table> ]]> </summary> <s:tag>Bond 11</s:tag> <s:tag>GA</s:tag> <s:tag>Non verbal reasoning</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship Year 5-7</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship Year3-5</s:tag> <s:tag>Verbal reasoning</s:tag> <s:variant> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/7743686934689</id> <title>Default Title</title> <s:price currency="AUD">36.00</s:price> <s:sku></s:sku> <s:grams>1500</s:grams> </s:variant> </entry> <entry> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/7743678185633</id> <published>2023-08-10T21:07:24+10:00</published> <updated>2023-08-10T21:07:24+10:00</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/bond-11-english-maths-verbal-non-verbal-reasoning-book-1-bundle-for-9-10-yrs-2020-edition"/> <title>Bond 11+: English, Maths Verbal & Non-verbal Reasoning Book 1 Bundle for 9-10 yrs(4 books)</title> <s:type>Book</s:type> <s:vendor>Five Senses</s:vendor> <summary type="html"> <![CDATA[<table border="0"> <tr> <td width="200"><img width="200" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0515/7935/5297/files/9780192777362_assessment_9-10_yrs_book_1_bundle_2020ed_jpeg.webp?v=1691665984"></td> <td valign="bottom"> <p> <strong>厂商: </strong>Five Senses<br> <strong>类型: </strong>Book<br> <strong>价格: </strong> 72.00 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><p data-mce-fragment="1">This bundle contains:</p> <ul data-mce-fragment="1"> <li data-mce-fragment="1">1 x Bond 11+: English Assessment Papers for 9-10 years Book 1 </li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">1 x Bond 11+: Maths Assessment Papers for 9-10 years Book 1 </li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">1 x Bond 11+: Verbal Assessment Papers for 9-10 years Book 1 </li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">1 x Bond 11+: Non-verbal Assessment Papers for 9-10 years Book 1</li> </ul> <p data-mce-fragment="1">Bond 11+ Assessment Papers provide even more topic-based practice questions that set the foundation for success in 11+, Common Entrance or KS2 SATs exams. The 2020 edition now contains clear and full answer explanations in the pull-out answer section in the centre of the book. Ideal for parents and children to work through without extra research.</p> <ul data-mce-fragment="1"> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Perfect for GL and CEM exam boards</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Comprehensive coverage of all 11+ verbal reasoning topics and question types in a realistic exam style</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">A motivating progress chart tracks improvement</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Detailed answers, empowering parents and children with a greater understanding of the questions, resulting in improved test performance</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Specific signposting to Bond Handbooks when more background information is needed</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Accompanying online activities and advice through Bond Online support the book</li> </ul> <hr data-mce-fragment="1"> <p data-mce-fragment="1">The Bond 11+ series is an Oxford University UK publication and is increasingly popular in Australia for those looking for different types of general ability and reasoning questions. It offers essential practice and support for children aged 5 through to 13 on the topics of English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning and Non-verbal Reasoning. This series is aimed at UK students taking selective/entrance tests such as the 11+, Common Entrance exams or Key Stage 2 SATs, GL Assessment and CEM 11+ exams.</p></td> </tr> </table> ]]> </summary> <s:tag>Bond 11</s:tag> <s:tag>GA</s:tag> <s:tag>Non verbal reasoning</s:tag> <s:tag>OC Test</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship Year3-5</s:tag> <s:tag>Verbal reasoning</s:tag> <s:variant> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/7743678185633</id> <title>Default Title</title> <s:price currency="AUD">72.00</s:price> <s:sku>9780192777362</s:sku> <s:grams>2000</s:grams> </s:variant> </entry> <entry> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/7743677792417</id> <published>2023-08-10T21:05:38+10:00</published> <updated>2023-08-10T21:05:38+10:00</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/bond-11-english-maths-verbal-non-verbal-reasoning-book-1-bundle-for-10-11-yrs-2020-edition"/> <title>Bond 11+: English, Maths Verbal & Non-verbal Reasoning Book 1 Bundle for 10-11 yrs(4 books)</title> <s:type>Book</s:type> <s:vendor>Five Senses</s:vendor> <summary type="html"> <![CDATA[<table border="0"> <tr> <td width="200"><img width="200" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0515/7935/5297/files/9780192777379_assessment_10-11_yrs_book_1_bundle_2020ed_jpeg.webp?v=1691666020"></td> <td valign="bottom"> <p> <strong>厂商: </strong>Five Senses<br> <strong>类型: </strong>Book<br> <strong>价格: </strong> 72.00 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><p data-mce-fragment="1">This bundle contains:</p> <ul data-mce-fragment="1"> <li data-mce-fragment="1">1 x Bond 11+: English Assessment Papers for 10-11 years Book 1 </li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">1 x Bond 11+: Maths Assessment Papers for 10-11 years Book 1 </li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">1 x Bond 11+: Verbal Assessment Papers for 10-11 years Book 1 </li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">1 x Bond 11+: Non-verbal Assessment Papers for 10-11 years Book 1 </li> </ul> <p data-mce-fragment="1">Bond 11+ Assessment Papers provide even more topic-based practice questions that set the foundation for success in 11+, Common Entrance or KS2 SATs exams. The 2020 edition now contains clear and full answer explanations in the pull-out answer section in the centre of the book. Ideal for parents and children to work through without extra research.</p> <ul data-mce-fragment="1"> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Perfect for GL and CEM exam boards</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Comprehensive coverage of all 11+ verbal reasoning topics and question types in a realistic exam style</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">A motivating progress chart tracks improvement</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Detailed answers, empowering parents and children with a greater understanding of the questions, resulting in improved test performance</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Specific signposting to Bond Handbooks when more background information is needed</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Accompanying online activities and advice through Bond Online support the book</li> </ul> <hr data-mce-fragment="1"> <p data-mce-fragment="1">The Bond 11+ series is an Oxford University UK publication and is increasingly popular in Australia for those looking for different types of general ability and reasoning questions. It offers essential practice and support for children aged 5 through to 13 on the topics of English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning and Non-verbal Reasoning. This series is aimed at UK students taking selective/entrance tests such as the 11+, Common Entrance exams or Key Stage 2 SATs, GL Assessment and CEM 11+ exams.</p></td> </tr> </table> ]]> </summary> <s:tag>Bond 11</s:tag> <s:tag>GA</s:tag> <s:tag>Non verbal reasoning</s:tag> <s:tag>OC Test</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship Year3-5</s:tag> <s:tag>Verbal reasoning</s:tag> <s:variant> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/7743677792417</id> <title>Default Title</title> <s:price currency="AUD">72.00</s:price> <s:sku>9780192777379</s:sku> <s:grams>2000</s:grams> </s:variant> </entry> <entry> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/7743676547233</id> <published>2023-08-10T21:03:08+10:00</published> <updated>2023-08-10T21:03:08+10:00</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/bond-11-english-maths-verbal-non-verbal-reasoning-assessment-papers-bundle-for-8-9-yrs"/> <title>Bond 11+: English, Maths, Verbal & Non-verbal Reasoning Assessment Papers Bundle for 8-9 yrs(4 books)</title> <s:type>Book</s:type> <s:vendor>Five Senses</s:vendor> <summary type="html"> <![CDATA[<table border="0"> <tr> <td width="200"><img width="200" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0515/7935/5297/files/9780192779885-assesment-8-9-yrs-pack.jpg-3.webp?v=1691665929"></td> <td valign="bottom"> <p> <strong>厂商: </strong>Five Senses<br> <strong>类型: </strong>Book<br> <strong>价格: </strong> 72.00 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><p data-mce-fragment="1">This bundle contains:</p> <ul data-mce-fragment="1"> <li data-mce-fragment="1">1 x Bond 11+: English Assessment Papers for 8-9 years</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">1 x Bond 11+: Maths Assessment Papers for 8-9 years</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">1 x Bond 11+: Verbal Assessment Papers for 8-9 years</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">1 x Bond 11+: Non-verbal Assessment Papers for 8-9 years</li> </ul> <p data-mce-fragment="1">Bond 11+ Assessment Papers provide even more topic-based practice questions that set the foundation for success in 11+, Common Entrance or KS2 SATs exams. This edition now contains clear and full answer explanations in the pull-out answer section in the centre of the book. Ideal for parents and children to work through without extra research.</p> <ul data-mce-fragment="1"> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Perfect for GL and CEM exam boards</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Comprehensive coverage of all 11+ verbal reasoning topics and question types in a realistic exam style</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">A motivating progress chart tracks improvement</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Detailed answers, empowering parents and children with a greater understanding of the questions, resulting in improved test performance</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Specific signposting to Bond Handbooks when more background information is needed</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Accompanying online activities and advice through Bond Online support the book</li> </ul> <hr data-mce-fragment="1"> <p data-mce-fragment="1">The Bond 11+ series is an Oxford University UK publication and is increasingly popular in Australia for those looking for different types of general ability and reasoning questions. It offers essential practice and support for children aged 5 through to 13 on the topics of English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning and Non-verbal Reasoning. This series is aimed at UK students taking selective/entrance tests such as the 11+, Common Entrance exams or Key Stage 2 SATs, GL Assessment and CEM 11+ exams.</p></td> </tr> </table> ]]> </summary> <s:tag>Bond 11</s:tag> <s:tag>GA</s:tag> <s:tag>Non verbal reasoning</s:tag> <s:tag>OC Test</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship</s:tag> <s:tag>Verbal reasoning</s:tag> <s:variant> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/7743676547233</id> <title>Default Title</title> <s:price currency="AUD">72.00</s:price> <s:sku>9780192779885</s:sku> <s:grams>2000</s:grams> </s:variant> </entry> <entry> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/7743669338273</id> <published>2023-08-10T20:36:11+10:00</published> <updated>2023-08-10T20:36:11+10:00</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/bond-11-verbal-non-verbal-reasoning-assessment-papers-for-11-to-12-years3-books"/> <title>Bond 11+: Verbal & Non-verbal Reasoning Assessment Papers for 11 to 12 years(3 books)</title> <s:type>Book</s:type> <s:vendor>Five Senses</s:vendor> <summary type="html"> <![CDATA[<table border="0"> <tr> <td width="200"><img width="200" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0515/7935/5297/files/WechatIMG1104.jpg?v=1691663773"></td> <td valign="bottom"> <p> <strong>厂商: </strong>Five Senses<br> <strong>类型: </strong>Book<br> <strong>价格: </strong> 54.00 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><p data-mce-fragment="1">Bond Verbal Reasoning Assessment Papers for 11 to 12+ years Book 1 have been designed by Bond, the number 1 provider of 11+ practice materials. This book provides practice questions that establish the core skills for success in verbal reasoning.</p> <p data-mce-fragment="1">The Bond 11+ series is an Oxford University UK publication and is increasingly popular in Australia for those looking for different types of general ability and reasoning questions. It offers essential practice and support for children aged 5 through to 13 on the topics of English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning and Non-verbal Reasoning. This series is aimed at UK students taking selective/entrance tests such as the 11+, Common Entrance exams or Key Stage 2 SATs, GL Assessment and CEM 11+ exams.</p></td> </tr> </table> ]]> </summary> <s:tag>Bond 11</s:tag> <s:tag>GA</s:tag> <s:tag>Non verbal reasoning</s:tag> <s:tag>OC Test</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship Year 5-7</s:tag> <s:tag>Verbal reasoning</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 5</s:tag> <s:variant> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/7743669338273</id> <title>Default Title</title> <s:price currency="AUD">54.00</s:price> <s:sku>9780192740373</s:sku> <s:grams>2000</s:grams> </s:variant> </entry> <entry> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/7743668289697</id> <published>2023-08-10T20:33:42+10:00</published> <updated>2023-08-10T20:33:42+10:00</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/bond-11-verbal-non-verbal-reasoning-assessment-papers-for-10-to-11-years4-books"/> <title>Bond 11+: Verbal & Non-verbal Reasoning Assessment Papers for 10 to 11 years(4 books)</title> <s:type>Book</s:type> <s:vendor>Five Senses</s:vendor> <summary type="html"> <![CDATA[<table border="0"> <tr> <td width="200"><img width="200" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0515/7935/5297/files/WechatIMG1103.jpg?v=1691663624"></td> <td valign="bottom"> <p> <strong>厂商: </strong>Five Senses<br> <strong>类型: </strong>Book<br> <strong>价格: </strong> 72.00 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><p data-mce-fragment="1">Bond 11+ Assessment Papers provide even more topic-based practice questions that set the foundation for success in 11+, Common Entrance or KS2 SATs exams. This new edition now contains clear and full answer explanations in the pull-out answer section in the centre of the book. Ideal for parents and children to work through without extra research.</p> <ul data-mce-fragment="1"> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Perfect for GL and CEM exam boards</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Comprehensive coverage of all 11+ verbal reasoning topics and question types in a realistic exam style</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">A motivating progress chart tracks improvement</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Detailed answers, empowering parents and children with a greater understanding of the questions, resulting in improved test performance</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Specific signposting to Bond Handbooks when more background information is needed</li> <li data-mce-fragment="1">Accompanying online activities and advice through Bond Online support the book</li> </ul> <hr data-mce-fragment="1"> <p data-mce-fragment="1">The Bond 11+ series is an Oxford University UK publication and is increasingly popular in Australia for those looking for different types of general ability and reasoning questions. It offers essential practice and support for children aged 5 through to 13 on the topics of English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning and Non-verbal Reasoning. This series is aimed at UK students taking selective/entrance tests such as the 11+, Common Entrance exams or Key Stage 2 SATs, GL Assessment and CEM 11+ exams.</p></td> </tr> </table> ]]> </summary> <s:tag>Bond 11</s:tag> <s:tag>GA</s:tag> <s:tag>Non verbal reasoning</s:tag> <s:tag>OC Test</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship</s:tag> <s:tag>Scholarship Year 5-7</s:tag> <s:tag>Verbal reasoning</s:tag> <s:tag>Year 5</s:tag> <s:variant> <id>https://www.adasbook.com.au/zh/products/7743668289697</id> <title>Default Title</title> <s:price currency="AUD">72.00</s:price> <s:sku>9780192776440</s:sku> <s:grams>2000</s:grams> </s:variant> </entry> </feed>