Essential Skills: English Book Pack Years 7-8 (Grammar,Vocabulary, Reading &Writing) 4 Books
Our Excel English Book Pack Years 7-8 gives students the range of skills across Comprehension, Spelling, Grammar and Reading they need to get the results they want! Save 25% for four Excel Essential Skills resources, that have been specifically written for the Australian Curriculum English course.
This pack contains the following titles to help your child succeed:
Excel Essential Skills - Reading and Vocabulary Workbook Years 7-8
Practical examples and sample texts will develop students’ reading and comprehension skills, and improve their understanding of the language and literary techniques.
Excel Essential Skills - Grammar and Punctuation Workbooks Years 7-8
This book will improve students’ writing by teaching the essential grammar and punctuation rules. Practical examples and sample texts are provided to show how these rules actually work in written language, and practice exercises help students apply this knowledge to their own writing.
Excel Essential Skills - Writing & Spelling Workbook Years 7-8
Students master the main language features and structures of the most common types of text. Each unit outlines the process of planning, drafting and writing a specific type of text, and then provides advanced and intermediate sample texts as benchmarks for students’ own writing.
Excel Essential Skills - Developing Your Comprehension Skills Years 7-10
Excel Developing Your Comprehension Skills aims to help Years 7-10 students become more confident and skilled readers. It provides a range of activities using interesting and contemporary texts to give students plenty of practise in reading and interpreting different kinds of texts.