Comprehension Six 2nd Edition
Five Senses Skill Builders No. 53
Each book in the Five Senses Skill Builders: Comprehension series contains 25-35 comprehension exercises requiring a variety of response types: multiple-choice, choose the correct response, short-answer responses and extended responses. The comprehension passages utilise a wide variety of text types and answers are included.
Each book includes:
- Years 3-6: 35 comprehension exercises
- Years 7-10: 25 comprehension exercises
- answers
Unit | Title | Text Type |
1 | Rugby League Premierships 1965-2010 | Report |
2 | Don Bradman (1908 – 2001) In Test Cricket | Report |
3 | Socceroos and the World Cup 2006 | Recount |
4 | Reg Gasnier | Factual Recount |
5 | The Great Barrier Reef | Description |
6 | Margaret (Smith) Court | Factual Recount |
7 | The Moon | Description |
8 | John Landy | Factual Recount |
9 | An Excursion | Recount |
10 | Zebras | Report |
11 | The Wisdom of King Solomon | Narrative |
12 | William Tell | Legend |
13 | The Greenhouse Effect | Explanation |
14 | Should School Children Be Given Pocket Money? | Discussion |
15 | After The Storm | Poem |
16 | How To Make French Toast | Procedure |
17 | A Letter | Recount |
18 | Get Smart | Fictional Recount |
19 | Anzacs | Acrostic Poem |
20 | The World at War | Recount |
21 | P.T. 109 | Narrative |
22 | Nicholas Copernicus | Biography |
23 | The Rats of Tobruk | Factual Recount |
24 | Urban Myth | Legend |
25 | Araucana Club Newsletter | Newsletter |
26 | Reference Letter | Reference |
27 | Bathroom Renovations/Waterproofing | Jargon |
28 | Excerpt from The Arrakesh Chronicles | Fiction |
29 | Why Study a Novel? | Non-fiction |
30 | 20,000 Miles Without a Puncture | Advertisement |
31 | The Owl and the Pussycat | Poem |
32 | The Princess and The Pea | Fable |
33 | A Day At Monster Trucks | Photo-essay |
34 | Turkish Lamb Burger | Recipe |
35 | Map of Argentina | Map |
36 | Liverpool F.C. | Description |
37 | Anatomy | Diagram |
38 | Map of Tasmania | Map |
Answers |