Excel Essential Skills - Reading and Vocabulary Workbook Years 9-10
Specifically written for the Years 9–10 Australian Curriculum English course, this book will help students become better readers. Practical examples and sample texts will develop students’ reading and comprehension skills, and improve their understanding of the language and literary techniques that writers use to achieve a particular purpose for a particular audience.
In this book you will find:
- Reading and vocabulary features and explanations
- Sample texts that put reading and vocabulary skills in context
- Over 100 pages of practice exercises
- Extension activities to further develop the skills practised
- A detailed answer section
To the student
1 SBS Reporters’ Blog
2 Q&A
3 Wikipedia page
4 Gothic fiction
5 Travel writing
6 Shakespeare
7 Political speech
8 Autobiography
9 Environmental article
10 Poems
11 Essays
12 Persuasive posters
Author: Maya Puiu