Writing in Context: The Imaginative Landscape 8th edition

Writing in Context: The Imaginative Landscape 8th edition

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The Writing in Context Series is designed to provide a comprehensive guide to the Area of Study in English for the VCE. Each book was written to provide an in-depth analysis of each of the four texts set for study.

This book contains information on The Imaginative Landscape and activities that will enable you to get a working definition and complete understanding of the topic.

The Imaginative Landscape contains study notes and a workshop approach to:

  • Alice Munro’s The View from Castle Rock
  • Kristel Thornell’s Night Street
  • David Lean’s A Passage to India
  • Jon Krakauer’s Into the Wild
Year Level Year 11, Year 12
Edition 8th edition
Date of Publication 2015
ISBN 9781760321338

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