Excel Basic Skills - Working With Numbers Year 2
Excel Basic Skills: Working With Numbers Year 2 contains over 100 activities on number skills such as sequencing, adding, trading, subtracting, multiplying, dividing and working with fractions. The range of interesting, graded questions will help Year2 students become confident in working with numbers.
- sixteen carefully graded units
- a wide variety of interesting exercises
- words associated with each topic highlighted to ensure understanding
- two review tests to assess your child's progress
- a lift-out answer section
- recognising numerals 0 to 99
- sequencing numbers 0 to 99
- introducing the number 100
- recognising numerals 0 to 999
- sequencing numbers 0 to 999
- introducing fractions
- adding to 10
- adding to 20
- adding to 100 (no trading)
- adding with trading
- review
- beginning subtraction
- subtracting to 20
- introducing multiplication
- multiplying by 2
- introducing division by sharing
- introducing division by grouping
- review