Year 5 & 6 Scholarship Tests Maths

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Highly recommended for scholarship test preparation and mathematics challenge. 

Fourteen (14) major topics.

Each six page topic is divided up as follows:

Pages 1 & 2 Useful theory and typical fully worked examples. These give students, parents and teachers useful hints and strategies on how to solve the problems in the next four pages. Including theory and examples is unique to this book.
Page 3 Typical scholarship multiple choice questions.
Page 4 Extension multiple choice questions, provided to extend very capable students.
Page 5 Average short answer questions.
Page 6 Extension short answer questions for very gifted students. Some of these questions are extremely challenging.
Note: In Mathematics exams, the ability to solve problems is becoming increasingly important. Therefore over 60% of this book is aimed at varying levels of problem solving skills.

Towards the end of the book there are two full scholarship test papers that contain a mixture of questions covering all the different examinable topic areas.

Answers are given to all questions in the back of the book, and partly worked solutions and hints are given for the extension short answer questions.

Although the title implies this book is suitable for Year 5 and 6 students, many of the questions would be challenging to students in Year 7 and Year 8. In fact many schools and coaching colleges have told me that they also use the book in the early and middle high school years.

Once again, the presentation and layout is of a very high standard, and the test questions (although based closely on the format of previous scholarship exam questions) are unique, interesting and at times extremely challenging. Teachers/Coaches/Parents/Students will now find it much easier to teach or master a particular topic area.

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