Targeting Phonics Book 3

Targeting Phonics Book 3

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Why choose Phonics? The ability to decode and encode words efficiently underpins success with reading and writing. Phonics helps children decode words for reading and encode words for spelling.

The Targeting Phonics series uses systematic synthetic phonics and follows the learning progression in the Australian Curriculum.

In Book 3, students learn:

  • ‘r’ controlled vowels: ar, er, or
  • vowel digraphs: ow, oi
  • vowel trigraphs: ear, air
  • consonant trigraphs: tch, dge
  • three-letter consonant blends: scr, str, spr, spl
  • consonant digraph blends: shr, thr
  • to decode and spell words with two or more syllables, including compound words
  • to add endings to verbs to create word families and to create comparative adjectives
  • silent letters and less common sounds.

Units 1–3 and 6–7 include a:

  • pictorial Sound Card with an audio component, that lets children hear each sound pronounced correctly before they complete the activities.
  • QR code that links to the video of each sound.

Review pages follow each unit with activities covering comprehension, spelling and high frequency words.

The back section of this book provides:

  • Assessment for all the letters and sounds
  • Word Lists for each unit
  • High frequency Sight Word cards that can be photocopied and laminated as flashcards
  • Answers.
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