Five Senses Phonics Book 2

Five Senses Phonics Book 2

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This is a carefully structured series of activity books for pre-readers and beginning readers at the important stage of their literacy acquisition. These activity books are intended for use in a preschool setting, in the beginning school years, and for older students who are having difficulty learning to read.

Book 2 focuses on:

  • Initial and terminal consonants
  • Medial vowels
  • Basic sight vocabulary
  • Alphabet knowledge

In Book 2 students expand their phonemic awareness skills to include the transitional elements that prepare them for the next stage of reading acquisition. In addition to refining their phonemic awareness they are expected to recognise letter-sound relationships and write letters for the sounds they hear. Students are also expected to demonstrate alphabet knowledge as well as to continue the development of basic sight vocabulary. Blending skills are consolidated and refined.

The exercises in Book 2 enable students to attain competency in the skills of phonemic awareness. On completing Book 2, students are able to employ these skills to discriminate individual sounds in words. Students then progress to Book 3 to develop the fundamental phonics skill of reading words containing single letter-sounds.

Student progress is regularly monitored and evaluated after completing each level by using the Achievement Tests section. Each test is specifically designed to assess mastery of skills and to allow students to confirm the positive results of their learning experiences.


Year Level Preschool, Kindergarten, Year 1
Edition 1st
Date of Publication 6 April 2022
ISBN 9781760324230
Subject English



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