English 4 is the fifth book in a series of seven, from Foundation to Year 6. These books follow the guidelines of the Australian Curriculum and provide explicit instruction and practice in essential literacy and language areas.
Each book has thirty units and each unit comprises comprehension, spelling, grammar, punctuation, vocabulary and writing. As the student progresses through the year, the content becomes more challenging. The layout of each unit facilitates the book’s use either in the classroom or for homework. A complete set of answers is provided.
The comprehension texts cover informative, narrative and persuasive genres, as well as visual texts such as maps, timetables, advertisements and posters. The writing exercises and topics are linked to the reading texts. The grammar and punctuation sections provide clear definitions and explanations of conventions and rules. The spelling component includes adequate practice in words taken from the reading text, as well as essential spelling rules.
Spelling, grammar and punctuation include Test Yourself exercises which allow the student to measure their understanding of the material. The teacher or parent can judge from this when more practice is needed.
English F–6 will provide a thorough grounding in all aspects of English, facilitating the development of literacy and language skills.