Basic Skills Giant Book of Reading & GA Tests Years 5 to 8 (2 books) Scholarship
Basic Skills Giant Book of Reading / Comprehension Tests Years 5 to 8 (Basic Skills No. 173)
Exercises to prepare for Selective Schools Tests and Scholarship Examinations for Year 5 to 8
- Over 800 challenging multiple choice and vocabulary exercises
- Removable answers
- Interesting and original
- Clear format presented in two parts
Part A contains short passages with a high Australian content.
Part B "Wonders of the World" for above average students.
The aim of this book is to extend student reading/comprehension skills in Years 5 to 8 while providing stimulating and informative subject matter to the reader.
The exercises provide a diverse selection of comprehension situations, including narratives, maps, diagrams, tables, reports, poetry and historical accounts. In most cases multiple choice format is followed. Sets of 50 questions are presented so that the percentage calculation of a student's score can be easily made.
Written and illustrated by Graeme Wilson.
Giant book of General Ability Tests Years 5-8 (Basic Skills No. 176)
- Over 800 practice questions for entry examinations
- Tests of verbal, spatial, mathematical and logical ability
- Multiple choice format
- Presented in sets
- Original and challenging
This book contains 17 banks of tests containing 830 questions of the type that students encounter in Selective Schools Tests, Scholarship and other Entrance Examinations.
A feature of this book of questions is it Extended Answer Section. This section, unlike most other books, provides wherever necessary, a detailed explanation of the answer to each question. Explanations are given as to why one answer is preferred against another, enabling students to learn from the experience of a wrong answer.
No attempt has been made to grade the questions in the book, as the test banks are designed to give practice in not only the various types of question which may be encountered, but also the format of the tests which are not graded in Entrance Examinations.
Although the question banks are not graded, the papers do have sequence. Throughout, they contain repeating features such as spatial, mathematical, language and general knowledge components. The general knowledge components include questions on history, geography, science, art and music; the premise being that the alert pupil should have, at his or her disposal, knowledge of a general nature.