Advanced Comprehension Skills: Cloze Passages Book 1 Ada's Book

Advanced Comprehension Skills: Cloze Passages Book 1

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A cloze passage requires students to make sense of the meaning and grammar of the surrounding words in order to fill in gaps in the text. In this book, designed for Years 5 and 6, students are challenged to match deleted sentences with the correct gaps in a given passage. Texts are authored specifically to require students to use a range of higher-order comprehension skills, including identifying the main idea and making connections between ideas.

An introductory chapter offers tips and tricks on how to approach the activities – for example, identifying topic sentences and patterns of text organisation, and understanding connectives and other details – before providing some practice questions with worked solutions. Students will then work through 30 cloze practice units across 3 themed chapters: Heroes and Villains, History and Animalia. Each chapter is designed to increase in difficulty.


Heroes and Villains

  1. Heroes and villains in literature
  2. Nick Kyrgios
  3. Aboriginal heroes
  4. Terry Fox
  5. Charities
  6. Charles Ponzi
  7. Edna Adan and Catherine Hamlin
  8. The Bandit Queen (Phoolan Devi)
  9. The Crime of the Century (The Great Train Robbery)
  10. Nelson Mandela


  1. Covid impact on animals
  2. Deception in the animal kingdom
  3. The amazing Argentine ant
  4. Why fish are colourful
  5. The guillemot
  6. Bees vs wasps
  7. Extremophiles
  8. Extinct: Passenger Pigeons
  9. Polar Bears: Symbols of climate change
  10. Australian dinosaurs


  1. Deathly customs
  2. The King buried in a carpark: Richard III
  3. The Grand Inca Empire
  4. Great Conquerors of Asia
  5. The Warrior State: Sparta
  6. History of money
  7. Opening of the Sydney Harbour Bridge
  8. Motor racing/fast cars
  9. The first skyscraper
  10. Lights, Camera, Action! History of cinema

About the Authors

Janelle Ho has worked in education for 30 years. She started her career teaching gifted and talented teenagers for a decade, before moving into assessments. In the last two decades, her job has been in developing international literacy assessments.

With over a decade of experience preparing students for Selective, Scholarship and OC exams, Tysan Allen is the co-founder, director and head teacher of EduVision.

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