Dragonkeeper Full series (7 Books)-Award-winning Ada's Book

Dragonkeeper Full series (7 Books)-Award-winning

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Collect the original seven books in the award-winning Dragonkeeper series !

Ancient China, Han Dynasty. A slave girl saves the life of an ageing dragon and escapes her brutal master. Pursued by a ruthless dragon hunter, the girl and the dragon make an epic journey across China carrying a mysterious stone that must be protected.

This is the story of a young girl who believes she is not worthy of a name but finds within herself the strength and courage to make this perilous journey — and do what must be done.

About the Author

Carole Wilkinson is an award-winning and much loved author of books for children. She has a long-standing fascination with dragons and is interested in the history of everything. Though Carole has written over 30 books, she did not write her first book until she was nearly 40. Before that she had worked as a laboratory assistant and as a film and television writer and editor.

2018 Silver Award (Children's Book), Illustrators Australia Awards

2014 Graham Davey Citation, Young Australian Best Book Award (YABBA) (Dragonkeeper series)

2013 Gold Award – Book Series, Illustrators Australia (Dragonkeeper series)

2006 Older Readers, Kids Own Australian Literary Awards (KOALA)

2006 Kalbacher Klapperschlange Award (Germany)

2006 COOL (Canberra’s Own Outstanding List) Award

2004 Book of the Year (Younger Readers), Children’s Book Council of Australia Awards

2004 Best Children’s Book, Queensland Premier’s Literary Award

2004 NSW Premier’s Literary Awards

🌟Special mention
2004 International Youth Library’s White Ravens List

2003 Best Young Adult Book, Aurealis Awards


In Dragonkeeper, Carole Wilkinson transports the reader to a richly evoked ancient China during the Han Dynasty ... in an absorbing, textured, adventure story." — Australian Book Review

"I was riveted by the magical adventures, beautifully told, of a nameless Chinese slave girl." — Katharine England, Australian Book Review

"... entrancing, beautifully written story ... a wonderfully satisfying and unexpected climax." — Adelaide Advertiser

"An enchanting blend of fantasy and history." — The Age

"A journey ... is the essence of this outstanding novel ...It is a story that informs as it delights and leaves the reader with a yearning to know more." — The Children's Book Council of Australia, Judges' Report

"... an ambitious novel, marrying ancient Chinese history and culture with magic and fantasy ... the sights, smells and tastes of this fantastic ancient China are fully realised." — Australian Bookseller and Publisher

"... a superb novel ..." — Canberra Times

"Enchanting and fascinating ... something worth celebrating." — Kate Fewster, Viewpoint

"... proof that the fantasy genre is still working its magic." — Jodie Minus, The Weekend Australian

"Wilkinson writes with elegant simplicity and her tale acquires the force of fable. Its appeal is broad: complex enough for adults yet accessible to younger readers." — The Saturday Age

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